My Philosophy

FiLumena Birth was born (see what I did there?) after much prayer and after attending the beautiful birth of my friend's son who was born into Heaven before he was born into her arms. I felt what I can only describe as a calling to love women through the births and sometimes the goodbyes of their babies.
I believe very strongly that no woman should be denied the loving and supportive prescence of a doula based on income or circumstance. For this reason, I am willing to work with families and moms so that their needs can be met. It is also why I will never charge for bereavement births. This is why FiLumena Birth is a nonprofit. I will never charge any fees for attending a bereavement birth. My ability to support mothers and families during their most private and difficult moments is made possible by the generous gifts of others.
I have a special place in my heart for those births that other doulas may shy away from: high risk, NICU-transfer, difficult or fatal diagnosis, and those circumstances some doulas avoid: low income families, single mothers, teen moms, homeless mothers, military wives, and victims of trauma or sexual abuse.
I consider being a doula to be more than a "job." It is a calling, my ministry. As a faithful Catholic I am uncompromisingly prolife and "whole life." I believe that each mother, each father, and each child has a God-given dignity that is not contingent upon any other factor. This dignity is sacred and paramount and I see part of my role in any birth I attend as safeguarding, upholding, and defending the dignity of mother, baby, and family. My faith also impacts my perspectives on fertility care. I have a wealth of information and years of experience with fertility care, NFP, and various methods of natural pregnancy spacing and natural pregnancy acheivement. I am more than happy to provide you with information regarding fertility care and management at your request.
FiLumena Birth is named after St. Philomena, an early Christian martyr who was given the title "Thaumaturga" or "powerful with God." I ask for her intercession at every birth I attend and sometimes refer to her as "the invisible doula" who attends births with me.
I feel I should note that while my faith has played an obvious part in my journey into birth work, in no way do I expect or mandate that my clients share my faith. You can be sure that as your doula, I will respect YOU and your own faith traditions, beliefs, or practices.
“Giving birth and being born brings us into the essence of creation, where the human spirit is courageous and bold and the body, a miracle of wisdom.” ~ Harriette Hartigan
“Motherhood implies from the beginning a special openness to the new person: and this is precisely the woman’s ‘part’. In this openness, in conceiving and giving birth to a child, the woman ‘discovers herself through a sincere gift of self’.”.
~ Pope John Paul II
Other Professional Associations
Her Plan, Virginia
The Guiding Star Project
Wojtyla Community and Institute
Association of Divine Mercy Healthcare Professionals
Laura Ricketts is a proud member of the elite Catholic Speakers Organization, CMG Booking.

Meet Laura
Hello! I am Laura. I find it odd to talk about myself – I am a Doula - that means my focus is not on myself but on you and your needs! I recognize, though, that you might want to get to know me a little so I’ll do my best to introduce myself to you.
I know that there are many reasons you may be reading this: perhaps you are looking for a doula for your upcoming birth, maybe you are curious about what doulas do and stumbled across my page, maybe you received some news about your pregnancy and are feeling overwhelmed, scared or very sad. Whatever the reason, I thank you for taking the time to read this and to get to know me. I hope I can get to know you too.
My journey towards the birth world began back with the birth of my daughter. She was born naturally in a birth center. After my daughter was born I gave birth to three boys – two in birth centers and one at home. I loved each and every birth experience – each was so different and unique, so intense and empowering. I will never forget the feeling of accomplishment and pride I felt after each one.
I also have the privilege of being the mother to eight babies who were born forever sleeping. Five of these precious little ones were born in the hospital. I believe that I will meet them one day in Eternity and they are important members of our family.
When I’m not hanging out with my husband (who is amazing and my hero, by the way), homeschooling my children, or avoiding Mount Laundry, I can be found crocheting, studying to become a midwife or brushing up on my doula-ing skills. I aspire to one day be a crazy cat lady and have gotten a pretty good start by "attending the births" of two litters of kittens - in my own home! I also love bacon. A lot.
My passion for birth has found a home in being a birth and bereavement doula. The honor of supporting a mother through the birth of her child and seeing the joy and accomplishment on her face as she greets her baby is an experience like no other. Women are so very strong and so very brave! Being with a mother as she works to give birth and honoring both her ability and her intuition is a great privilege.
Likewise, I feel it is a great and humbling privilege to come along-side a family as they experience something no parent ever wants to endure; having been a bereaved mother myself, I know well the heartache and uncertainty that come with a difficult diagnosis or a very still ultrasound. Supporting families through this intimate time is a heart wrenching but tremendous honor and I hold those experiences so close to my heart as I seek to love and support families through their time of hello and goodbye with their baby.
Whatever your situation, whatever trimester you are in, whatever the circumstances of your upcoming birth, I would be honored to serve you.
I invite you to look around the website, check out the services that I offer, or send me a message using the contact link. I look forward to hearing from you and getting to you know you as well!
My Training

Professional Pregnancy and Labor Doula and Bereavement Doula
Trained, apprenticed, and credentialed Birth Doula
Trained, certified and apprenticed Bereavement Doula (for miscarriage, stillbirth, second trimester loss, unexpected prenatal diagnosis, adoption placement, or traumatic birth).
Certified Psychological First Aid
Trauma Identification
Trauma Triage
Red Cross Disaster Relief Training
Grief Support, Compassion Fatigue Education
Divine Mercy University
(Through the Traumatology Certification)